The ProtoStar Group makes Grants to nonprofit organizations for projects with specific goals/objectives and measurable results. Goals and objectives must be clearly stated in the Grant application. At the end of the Grant year, the impact or effect of the Grant must be measurable. For this reason, requests to cover administrative costs, such as utilities, insurance, and other operating expenses, are generally not favored. A nonprofit organization seeking funding for a project that has potential revenues may consider applying as a “social entrepreneur” and following the guidelines set forth in How to Apply for Funding.
Before applying for a Grant, please carefully review ProtoStar’s Standard Terms and Conditions for a Grant. If your organization would like to move forward with an application, please provide the following information about your Grant proposal and supporting documents as part of your application. Please remember to sign and date your application.
ProtoStar requires a hard copy of the application and an electronic copy. The hard copy, together with all supporting documents, should be mailed to:
ProtoStar Group, 9984 Scripps Ranch Boulevard #232, San Diego, CA 92131
The electronic copy of the application and supporting documents may be emailed to
After a review of the information and documents submitted, ProtoStar may request additional information and/or documents.
ProtoStar does not have application deadlines, but accepts them on a rolling basis. Please note, however, that applications received after October 31 will not, as a practical matter, be considered until after February 1 of the following year. This is because ProtoStar needs to finish processing any pending grant applications for the calendar year and conduct its annual review during the month of January. ProtoStar thanks you in advance for your patience and understanding.
I. Description of Grant Proposal. Please describe your Grant proposal in 750 words or less. Please include the following information in your description.
A. What is the amount of the Grant that your organization is seeking? Please provide a budget or spreadsheet on how the Grant will be used. The budgeted amounts must relate to the project for which you are seeking a Grant.
B. Is the proposed Grant for one year or multiple years? If your organization is on a fiscal year, please state the fiscal year for which you are seeking the Grant. If the request is for more than one year, please state the number of years and the amount sought for each year. Please note that ProtoStar will generally consider only a one-year grant for applicants applying for the first time.
C. What is (are) the unserved or underserved need(s)? Please be as specific as possible.
D. Why is (are) the need(s) unserved or underserved? Please reference or include any independent articles, research, or studies.
E. How will your proposal meet the unserved or underserved need(s)? Please provide both quantitative and qualitative measures.
F. What other organizations are seeking or have tried to meet the need(s)?
G. What distinguishes your organization’s proposal from others?
H. How will your organization measure whether your organization has successfully met the need(s)?
I. How many people will be affected by your organization’s proposal? In what way will they be affected? Over what period of time?
J. Has your organization submitted an application to other funders for the same proposed project? If so, please provide details of the application (amount requested, status of the application, outcome of application, etc.).
II. Documents. Please provide the following documents in hard copy or pdf format. If the information is on your organization’s Website, please pinpoint the Web address.
A. Filed Articles of Organization.
B. Bylaws.
C. Tax ID.
D. Tax-exempt letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (or the equivalent agency from your organization’s country of domicile).
E. Form 990 (or its equivalent from your domiciliary country) for the two most recent tax years. Please provide the complete Form 990, which includes all schedules, statements, and attachments, not the public disclosure version. If the Form 990 (or its equivalent) has not yet been filed for the immediate past year, please provide the year-end financial statements instead (budget-to-actuals, monthly cash flow, profit & loss statement, balance sheet, etc.).
F. Financial statements for the past two years and for the current tax year (budget-to-actuals, monthly cash flow, profit & loss statement, balance sheet, etc.).
G. Letter of good standing from your organization’s primary banking or financial institution.
H. Annual reports for the past two years (if any).
I. Directors’ biographies.
J. Biographies of senior officers and key staff members.
K. Statement that you have reviewed ProtoStar’s Standard Terms and Conditions for a Grant and that you and/or your organization will agree to be bound by them if your grant application is approved.