To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power. But to decide to whom to give it and how large and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man’s power nor an easy matter.
– Aristotle
Whether you are a foundation, family office, or simply an individual interested in doing good, we at the ProtoStar Group hope that you will consider partnering with us.
Why partner with ProtoStar? Because we conduct a thorough due diligence before we fund any of our projects. We begin by working proactively with our applicants to make sure that they have properly identified an unserved or underserved need, their proposal will adequately and realistically meet that need, their goals are achievable, the budget is reasonable, and the social impact can measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. We may sometimes ask our applicants to push the envelope — whether that means seeking to achieve more with less or attempting a method that has not been tried before. We are not afraid to take calculated risks, if we think there may be a greater reward in terms of changing lives or otherwise making this world a better place.
Some of the ways that you could partner with ProtoStar include the following:
1. Share Ideas
If you have or know of an idea or project that you think ProtoStar might be interested in, please pass it along. ProtoStar is open to, and always on the lookout for, innovative ideas, particularly those that serve an unserved or underserved need and provide a financial return (“double bottom line”). Ventures that also engage in fair trade, are environmentally sensitive, and/or employ other socially responsible practices (“triple bottom line”) are favored.
2. Join Us as a Co-Funder
Whether it’s a grant, an investment in a startup or existing venture, or an incubation project, there may opportunities to be a co-funder with ProtoStar. For example, an Episcopal Church used its proceeds from a rummage sale to partner with us to engage in private relief efforts after Nepal experienced two devastating earthquakes in 2015. The funds directly benefited two remote villages outside of Kathmandu. As another illustration, ProtoStar may put together a syndicated loan to a benefit corporation (“B Corp”), giving other lenders an opportunity to participate in a venture that has a double or triple bottom line.
3. Make a Donation
Of course, you could always make a donation to ProtoStar and receive a tax deduction for your contribution. Our mugs and tee shirts are pretty cool!
Bön Children – Best Friends Forever